person stretching in backbend with pillow, clinical protection

Do you need clinical protection?

If you move around loads during the day, find you sweat a lot – or possibly both – then you may need some extra help to stay fresh and dry.

Clinical Protection deodorants contain the best possible protection. They’re also dermatologist-tested.

A smiling women wrapped up in a pink duvet


To combat heavy sweating, Rexona has developed breakthrough Defence+ Technology to keep you dry and fresh, all day long. It creates a micro shield that protects you from sweat for 96 hours, making our Clinical strength antiperspirant 3x stronger than your regular antiperspirant deodorant. Because your skin is more receptive when you’re asleep, it’s best applied before bed. This allows the formula to build up a strong layer of protection, which will last throughout the following day and up to 96 hrs.

Defence+ Technology creates a micro shield that protects you from sweat and odour for 96 hours.


You never know when your day might bring on a sweat. When you’re stuck on a packed train, having to make a presentation at work or running for the bus. With Clinical Protection, you can tackle the day with complete confidence.

Another smart feature in our deodorant ranges is MotionSense™ – the only fragrance technology that reacts directly to the movement of your body. Tiny microcapsules sit on the surface of your skin. And whenever you move, underarm friction causes the capsules to burst, releasing fresh fragrance throughout the day.

So, whether you’re more active in the mornings, or a die-hard night owl, MotionSense™ has you covered.

Rexona Clinical Cream bottle on podium with the text “3x stronger verses a basic antiperspirant deodorant”
man and woman sitting on yoga mats high fiving


You might think with all those hi-tech ingredients, clinical strength deodorants would be harsh on your skin.

Well, we’ve thought of that – and that’s where our built-in moisturisers come in. They make our deodorants gentle enough for everyday use.

Find out more about Clinical Protection.